Reply To: C.J. Broken Foot

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball C.J. Broken Foot Reply To: C.J. Broken Foot


Lehigh90, I won’t respond to all of the silly things you said, but I don’t appreciate the rewriting of history.

1.  YOU are the one who introduced statistics – ” had a chuckle reading Bucknell board where somebody actually said Muscala had passes CJ as best player in PL.  Somebody needs to tell that guy that CJ was leading the nation in scoring.”      It appears you were making a comparison based on one stat – scoring – which is ludicrous, especially if not adjusted for pace of play (LU games have a lot more possessions) or for quality of opposition (LU played a much weaker ooc schedule this year).

2.   You went out of your way to misquote the Bucknell poster.   That poster said that a number of “experts” had stated Muscala had passed McCollum this year.   That was correct.   One is the ESPN guy who follows the midmajors.   There are a number of others.

3.   I specifically said that “I won’t claim Muscala is the best PL player” in my post.   Why would you imply I said otherwise???

4.   The better metrics are far better than anyone’s narrow subjective viewpoint.   You probably are aware that NBA teams use many of them extensively in their pre-draft process.  In fact, John Hollinger, who created the Player Efficiency Rankings that had Muscala as #1 in the nation – was just hired by an NBA team to help with draft evaluation.    Latest NCAA PER rankings:

5.  Who will be the higher NBA draft pick is irrelevant to who is having a better college season.   Having said that, I’m surprised you wouldn’t also quote the sites that have Muscala going in the second round.

6.   FWIW, in PL statistical categories, Muscala has the higher overall ranking.

7.  Before responding, read my original post and/or read #3 above.