Reply To: CJ Draft Status

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball CJ Draft Status Reply To: CJ Draft Status


Quote: “Clearly, the NCAA and NBA need to agree to a mutual date. It appears the NCAA (the non-profit entity right??) has tried to pull a power move here in order to keep underclassmen in school. And don’t tell me the reason is to help these kids graduate.”


This rule change was requested by a significant number of schools/coaches – and you’re correct it has nothing to do with graduation rates. Rather it has to do with allowing coaches to find replacements for players who are going pro. In the past – when players didn’t have to make a final decision until June – the coach was compelled to hold the player’s scholarship way past the spring signing date. Then in many cases, the player would opt to go pro – when it was way to late to re-use his scholarship. Thus there might be a big hole in a team’s rotation – especially if a couple went pro – and some teams’ scholarships-per-class might gradually get out of alignment, e.g. 6 in one class and only 1 in another.