Reply To: Comparing 2011-12 to 2012-13

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Comparing 2011-12 to 2012-13 Reply To: Comparing 2011-12 to 2012-13



First of all, I have not given up on this team, they will get it together if the following happens:

Team leadership, mentoring the younger players, team work and unselfish play. Body language goes a long way. They do not appear to gel as a unit from what I saw on television. No back slapping, high fives, even the chest bumps were suspect. The seniors from last year were not the stars, they wanted to win and as the good Dr. said, they led. Time for CJ, Gabe and Greiner and BJ (hope he is ok) to lead as they were led. Pay it forward.


On a funny note, I was a little confused when I heard the name Adams against Pitt, then I realized it was Adams for the Pitt team. Maneri sure could make a difference as far as banging. For a moment, I too was hopeful McCarthy had emerged once again.


On a positive note, I loved Gabe’s poise against Pitt. Let’s go LU. It is not over yet, just need to get hot.