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It would be easier and more efficent to develop a NT than have a def due to lack of one player. Why let the entire D suffer for one position. A NT playing a shade / slanting and angling does not have to be a huge beast. Plus – in the 3/4 it is very easy to slide to even front.
I am not attacking any of the players personally – constructively yes. If you think that attacking Laub by saying he is better suited to put his hand on the ground than than you are wrong. This is a compliment IMO – he is a tough kid, approx 235 could easily be 250 and athletically he would be at an advantage over a OT!I believe he would dominate at this position. Same for Robb – he is athletic would be better in space than Inside where he is light in tail. 210 is not thick enough especially with his heigth. I believe he would dominate here –
I list #’s because it is faster and I do not want to mis spell kids names – plus this is how I see the players.
There is no such def in all of football as the 2/5
The 4/2 yes – good in passing leagues – out West where it originated from. Plus, the 4/2 is a very complicated D and this has been one of my points from the start – to much D which leads to busted assign and big plays.
4/3 – need big inside T’s and we do not have plus we have an abundance of LB type players.
IMO – personnel suited for 3/4 and as you pointed out that you have been studying this D for 4 years than would you aggree.
Does not matter age of player – the guys who come to play and perform in practice and games should play. Never look to next year – that is my next point. Win now – never know what next year brings!
Yes – 8/3 is a good year! 39 – 9 is unreaal in any sport and division. Many teams and coaches would give their left —- to have this record. However, if there is anyone on this board that does not believe Lehigh left 2 PLC on the field than I would disaggree with them. Champ are not EZ to come by nor even just a shot at one. But, Lehigh let these 2 slip by – Andy and the boys have 4 in a row – wow talk about dynasty. Yes, this is not good and why many are concerned – very difficult to turn the ship once it starts going in this direction.
I am not trashing coaches personally nor would I ever do this – but I will talk football and point out issues that I believe need to be improved upon and areas where we just are fundamentally unsound.
Laf Board – I do not beieve this is bashing and I could care less what Laf Board – Gate boarde etc., say we need to take care of home and make sure that Lehigh is set. It does not matter what all the other team boards are saying.
Same as in football – we have an Offensive Identity and no matter what the D does there are certain things we can run. This is what we need to build on D – an identity so that when all else fails we can line up and be sound vs anything. It may not be the best D for a certain play etc., but all 11 guys will be on same page and play WO fundamental mistakes and MA’s.