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Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Game 12: Bryant Reply To: Reply To: Reply To: Reply To: Game 12: Bryant


I was also at the game and agree with all that has been said.  It’s one bad game, and that can happen with the layoff and VCU, not Bryant

on their minds.  It shouldn’t, but we know it can happen.  My bigger concern for the rest of the season, is a continued general lack of rebounding intensity or technique.  Bryant shot the lights out but we still scored enough to win on a bad shooting night for us.  But they got a ridiculous number of cheap baskets on

9 offensive rebounds.  That’s not to mention their rebounding dominance under our basket    This has been going on all season long with no  signs of improvement.  If this AND a lack of defensive intensity show up in Richmond next Saturday, NBC Sport’s national audience will a see a rather dull game.   And beyond that, we can forget about repeating.