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Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Game 19: Lafayette Reply To: Reply To: Game 19: Lafayette



Lehigh is clearly not going to win many games getting no production from the two, four and five positions.  The question is – was this game the “outlier” or was it the Bucknell game (where we shot a surreal percentage of 3 pointers)?

It seems to me we are in in the throes of “CJ-itis”.  The team is struggling to find out who is going to replace CJ as the reliable, point-producer and big shot man. So Gabe, instead of shooting from his usual 12-15 foot range, is suddenly Kevin Garnett – trying to knock down 3 pointers.  HG, instead of waiting for shots within the flow of the offense is now trying to dribble through double and triple teams to create a shot.  CJ – as one of the premier players in the country – does pretty well dribbling through a double team.  Holden – whose handle is up somewhere near his ribcage – is not so successful in that situation.

I’m not even going to address the AD situation at the 2 – except to say – can we get Corey Schaeffer some more minutes please?  He is a great ball handler, aggressive to the basket and a consistent shooter.  SC has not made an impact for several games now.

It is pretty clear that BJB is not going to go 4 for 4 from the 3 every game, although he is a nice shooter.  He is unselfish to a fault.  I just wish Gabe and Holden could learn to be a little more patient and unselfish and stop trying to do what CJ can do ..