Reply To: Game 30: Lafayette

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Game 30: Lafayette Reply To: Game 30: Lafayette



Tough game, tough day, tough end to the season and careers for CJ, Gabe, and Holden. To lose 3 straight to these guys to end your senior year is going to be a hard one to get out of their system. It was a pleasure watching these guys grow as people and players, and I know as a fan I feel truly blessed and lucky to have watched these guys for the last 4 years. It was an honor and I wish them all the best in their futures.

With regards to the game, first, I agree with 90 and was mentioning that during the game, how many times do we get beat back door, seriously. I mean it happened in first two matchups between these two teams, and it is like we didn’t watch film which I know wasn’t the case. Second, I didn’t like our game plan from the onset, gabe had one touch in post in like first 10-12 minutes of the game, we needed to beat them up down low and we didn’t make him a priority on O to start the game…now I know he missed his FTs which killed us, but I would have pounded pounded pounded post with Gabe and Holden.

If you told me Laf goes 6 for 22 from deep and still wins I would have called BS and bet the ranch on a LU win….but we went into the season talking about rebounding rebounding rebounding and we end the season tonight talking about rebounding rebounding rebounding. We gave up 11 O board according to ESPN box score but I thought I heard announcer mention 15 at one point late in game…either way it was way to many 2nd and 3rd chances. Hard to play D for a full 35 and then force a bad shot only to have opponents get O board.

Going to be a long offseason but here is hoping we come back stronger than ever next year!