Reply To: Jesse Chuku

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Jesse Chuku Reply To: Jesse Chuku



Yes, there is zero z-e-r-o Kempton video outside the football one. I think he quit football this year to focus on basketball, not totally unusual for guys to play other sports in high school for a while.


The only thing I have read even on Kempton is the ESPN Recruiting write-up, so I’d agree, he’s a mystery. However, I like the fact that he has the genes, size, and apparent shooting touch. So with some added bulk, and he is already 227 lbs which would be heaviest guy on this years team, he should be able to grow and hopefully rebound. He is a big wild card, agree, but what if he breaks really right. He apparently had some other solid offers from good places, so that has to be a plus right. Hopefully he keeps growing and turns into a classic steal.