Reply To: Lehigh-Lafayette

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Some final thoughts on the game:

1) With two decently thrown passes — McHale’s woefully short one to Parris (who slipped) and Parris’s underthrown one (with the wind) to Shafnisky, we may be headed to UNH.

2) Sure, there were a couple of other REALLY BAD plays, among the worst of 2013. Then there was the worst missed call of all year — LC’s Ross pushing off with TWO HANDS on our DB for second score.

This game could have gone either way

3) Whose QB (freshman or not) is better? My money’s on Reed. He is one of the best I’ve seen at LC in some time. But time will tell … Might be second best passer in league …

4) Our worst defense of the game? There was plenty. But the lack of consistent offensive drives kept our D on the field for too long. We allowed their O to be on the field too long.

5) I think Cecc is a great OC. There were several GREAT calls; others that I scratched my head over and/or were poorly executed. My hunch is that McHale gave us a better chance of winning with the no huddle — Shaf hurt us with a delay of game in second half … Why we did not use the no huddle more confused me. It was effective all year.

Clearly, the O never got in its rhythm — too many designed and ineffective QB runs. Way too inconsistent.

Would love to see Sherman play again. He is FUN to watch! Imagine if he’d played more in past years …

6) Too many drops and missed tackles — sadly, by players who will be returning. The Lehigh winning culture had been DISCIPLINE — no drops, no missed tackles — and play smart! Coen & Co. will have to stop with the upperclass loyalty and go with play per performance if it wants to win again in this much improved league.

7) Next year and 2015 will be the real test: Can Coen & Co. successfully transition from their effective strategy of offering financial aid based on need to athletic scholarships? I’ve not see all that much from our freshman class compared to other schools. Maybe that’s by design, but we’ll see.

8) Saturday’s game was entertaining, for about 55 minutes. Kudos to the staff and players for making the season interesting.

Let’s not forget that what’s most important is in the classroom!