Reply To: Pitt – Game 5

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Pitt – Game 5 Reply To: Pitt – Game 5



Agree with everyone who’s calling for toughness and believe like most that it’ll come. No sense belaboring the point so well made by others.

I have faith in Reed and believe in the raw talent of the players recruited and those regulars from a year ago. Together, I sincerely think the mix will occur and the team we see today will look nothing like the one that takes the court 6 weeks from today up in Hamilton (NY) to open PL play. Playing the likes of Minnesota (KenPom 30) and Pittsburgh (KenPom 10) with the youth and experience level that dot our lineup was like embarking on the study of calculus before mastering arithmetic. While it generated interest and got the fans, including posters to this board, talking (never has this Board been so active), it was doomed to fail from the start. That is, if the measured only by wins and losses. Otherwise, it was one hell of a learning experience and one I trust our players – with an able assist from our coaches – will remember and benefit from. From here on out (Texas Southern, Howard/South Dekota State, on onward) we’ll have a chance to gain some confidence and put our lessons learned to work. Might even notch a few “W’s” along the way.

In case you were wondering, thru games played to date – and that shouldn’t chance much going forward – Lehigh has played the toughest OOC schedule of all the teams in the PL with a ranking of 33 (KenPom). Right behind us is Lafatette (51), Bucknell (71) and American (77). So, yeah a 1-4 record doesn’t sound good but I’ll take it and the lessons learned from it compared to perhaps boasting of a 4-0 record with wins over three 300+ teams and one 200+ team as Loyola might (certainly not saying they are).

As for DC, not a clue.

With regard to AD, I can only surmise the problem to be with his foot – more specific his heel – from the way he carries himself and, in particular, his gate. Not fair nor is it right to speculate, so I won’t other than to say his return will be a welcomed sight. A spirited competitor/ former starter (29 games last year with 6.4ppg and 3.7rpg ) who plays hard and has a nose for the ball is just what this team needs right about now.