Reply To: PL – Part II

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball PL – Part II Reply To: PL – Part II



Thanks, 137. I was referring to PL games only and failed to make that clear.

As for playoff implications in case of a tie @ 12-2, it does get interesting. Here’s the PL guidance on the subject for those who want to ponder the outcome:

Patriot League Tie-Breaking Procedure/Selection Seeding

a. In the case of a two-way between teams in the final standings for regular season League play, the following process will be used until all ties are broken and the seeding process is completed (ties will be broken in rank order beginning with the highest seed):

i. Head-to-head competition – the higher seed will go to the team that has won the most League contests played against the other team involved in the tie

ii. If a tie still exists, a comparison of records will be made between the tied institutions starting at the highest possible seed and continuing through the lowest seed, if necessary.

iii. Sport specific tie-breaking procedure, if any (see Sport Specific regulations).