Reply To: Reruiting, top priorities???

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Reruiting, top priorities??? Reply To: Reruiting, top priorities???


This team manages to score year in, year out in the Cecchini era. If Coen and Cecchini think Shafnisky is the real deal and he better be (starting next year), it is going to tough to use a scholarship in 2014 on a QB who may only be starting for one year. I wouldn’t look QB until 2015. In regards to QB type, we’ve won with drop back (Stambaugh, Lum, BB) and running, scrambling (Hall, Colvin). Give me an arm, a brain and composure/confidence, and Cecchini/Coen will make it work.

Defense, defense, defense. Need a stud NG if we stick with the 3-4. If not, need two beefy D-tackles and quick, athletic D-Ends. I actually think we are OK with D-end types. Also, with scholarships kicking in and clearly a focus on upgrading OOC schedule, need cover corners. We need kids who can play effective man coverage which would allow the safeties to help in coverage and run support.

You’re always in the game with a good defense. Even with the best offense, if they can’t get on the field, you lose.

Anyone notice a theme to my posts? ;-)