Reply To: Sacred Heart – Game 8

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Sacred Heart – Game 8 Reply To: Sacred Heart – Game 8


I haven’t watched this game yet, but plan to watch the archive replay.

One note on AP though, was in the first few games he was VERY aggressive looking for his shot. Sometimes they were bad shots, but I liked the aggressiveness since we didn’t really have a perimeter scorer (AD a glue guy and injured, SC purely a shooter, CS had been a role player, and MM is more of a facilitator). I liked AP looking to score. He needed to fill out his game more, with help on the boards and trying to penetrate more, but I liked his start. Disappointed to see his attempts drop so much over the last few games. I’d like to see average somewhere in the 8-10 shots a game range over the course of the year. Right now he is at 8 a game, but only 14 attempts over his last 3 games.

Really like the way SW is coming on. I totally buy that he is still getting back into the flow after his injuries. If he can develop a consistent outside shot, he could be a star in the PL.