Reply To: Saint Francis (PA) – Game 9

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Saint Francis (PA) – Game 9 Reply To: Saint Francis (PA) – Game 9



One thing I would like to point out is that the officiating was horrible last night. I don’t believe in blaming officials for bad play, but damn. I honestly didn’t see five fouls committed between JC and SW COMBINED last night. When officiating is inconsistent, as it was last night, it neutralizes you as a player. It also gives advantage to 6’6 PF and Centers. Take the 3rd foul called on SW late in 1st half. He was boxing a guy out, and the official signaled a hold? I thought the officials kept SFU in the game, and forced Lehigh to play zone. JC & SW were totally taken out of game in my opinion. 57 to 50 final score? That’s just my take – and by the way, it was great to see AP playing great again!