Reply To: Scheduling: 2013-14

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Scheduling: 2013-14 Reply To: Scheduling: 2013-14


I’d suspect that the answer is simply that Lehigh doesn’t have a strong desire to play those teams.

Oh, I’m well aware. Which makes the “no one will play us while we have CJ” non-sense we heard the past few years all the more unbearable. Obviously Lehigh home attendance is an issue for a number of reasons, but a large part of it is that the home slate is never appealing. If Lehigh believes in padding their record with cupcakes (which is certainly how it appears to me), I wish they would own up to it instead of claiming to be the victim of outside circumstances.

I’ve cited Bucknell’s scheduling as what we should aspire to countless times on this board. You guys obviously have advantages in facilities, fan support, and a more prolonged run of success – but even if we scheduled half or a 1/3 of those games you listed it would be a massive step up from where we are now.