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Like the rest of you, I was so jacked last night I ended up watching the first half again on the replay. Even when you know how it’s going to turn out, I’m still struck as to how Bucknell worked so hard to stay in this game, and how there were so many timely baskets by Lehigh to stave off the Bison, especially with the 3. BJB’s early 3 was big. CJ’s steal and outlet to McCollum for a easy transition basket was big. Gabe’s surprise 3-pointer in the second half, huge.
There were two or three golden opportunities for the Bison to take the lead… on free throws. Most of the game, the Bison were great on FTs, which I’m sure is reflected in their %. But their best players – Muscala was one – clanked it three different times during the game when it could have given them the lead. I wonder: had they converted just one of those freebies, and even gotten a one point lead, might it have been the tipping point that changed the game?
What more can you say about Gabe’s toughness? He simply went out there and challenged Muscala early and his play was a huge factor in Lehigh’s early lead. The move where he just zipped by Muscala and went up with his left typefied the early going and really seemed to put Bucknell on the back foot.
Not much I’d have changed about the win. Maybe the moving pick on CJ, which I still think was a bogus call. But it set up that last CJ steal, so I can’t complain.