Reply To: Update on Jesse Chuku

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Update on Jesse Chuku Reply To: Update on Jesse Chuku



NIce post boys, been busy with work past couple days so late to some recent messages. TMH, good rebounding post, and totally true on your 4 points/criteria for good rebounding. I believe CB can do that, I’m hoping he can, and I don’t think anyone is giving up on CB man, we’re all rooting for him and you’ve stated the case for him very clearly.

I think what me and maybe 90 are only pointing out is that he has to show it and the opportunity is clearly ripe for the taking this year, cause I know no one missed this newsflash, but we’re small as heck! CB is undersized, but we all know size isn’t everything, CJ is our best rebounder at 6’3 so we all understand that. The upside projection for CB is difficult though, I think we can agree at that, as well. I’m praying we got another mini-Rodman on our hands. If he could ever be a 25 minute a game guy and grab 8 RPGs and 5 points and play lock down D, I’m in heaven and will have man crush galore. Also, I’ve read how he didn’t play cause of last years senior class had bigs in it, but I simply can’t let you get away with that :) without only replying that it is not like he had all stars ahead of him, he had good role players…not stars, not even 4 year starters….role players.


As for JC, listen, until we see the player on campus and in uniform for the brown n white, it is all hype and projections. But you can’t teach height and he has the body to be a prototypical PL 4 man, and although it is only highlight videos, you can project that the offense will come with JC. BUT, having said all that, we don’t need scoring from him, or JG, or CB. This year, from those 3 guys, we need rebounding and defense. We have enough guys who can score the basketball, we need them to rebound and defend. I think, with the height and strength of JC, that he can fill that role this year, and anything we get on the offensive end is gravy. Listen, any time JC, CB, or JG are on the court this year, the reality is that at all times their either the 4th or 5th option on offense….now maybe if JC is what I think he can be, that moves up as year progresses but when CJ, GK, and MM are on the court the ball is going through them and HG is going to have A BIG SENIOR YEAR…you can hold me to it…I know HG is studding up this year big time…
