Reply To: Welcome to Lehigh Austin Price!

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Welcome to Lehigh Austin Price! Reply To: Welcome to Lehigh Austin Price!



What do you think Austin Price’s role will be at Lehigh? He is listed as a combo-guard with apparently the same body size as CJ. CJ has spent his career at Lehigh as a #2 guard and will now be groomed as a PG for the next level. With Devon Carter ahead of him and Mackey McKnight graduating in 2014, should Price be groomed as a PG? Is it more or less advantageous to have a prototypical pass first PG or a combo who will likely take his fair share of shots? I suppose the analogy is a drop back passing quaterback and compared to one who can run. I have no real opinion either way. This is just an item for discussion.