Reply To: Welcome to Lehigh Austin Price!

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Welcome to Lehigh Austin Price! Reply To: Welcome to Lehigh Austin Price!



Wow, I don’t even know where to start, other then to say I’m really excited, really fired up boys. This is a huge get, and as I wrote about a few days ago when the Iowa visit got cancelled, we had a legit shot and AP is now a Mountain Hawk. Some great tweets today including a nice exchange between Kempton and Price, pretty good stuff.


Rich – thanks for the kind remarks above, I authored the season preview part I and actually just posted part II for your pleasure. I’m going to try to keep carving out time, as my schedule permits, to try to create content and drive exposure to the mountain hawks.

I’m actually really pleased with something I’m working on for later this week, which I absolutely know you, sbum, 65, 90 and others will love….love, just hope it gets completed in the next day or two to start to share with you all.

