Reply To: Welcome to Lehigh Shane Whitfield!

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Welcome to Lehigh Shane Whitfield! Reply To: Welcome to Lehigh Shane Whitfield!



Nice commitment, man him and Kempton kind of came out of thin air, right? No real mention or ties to LU until we heard about their visits, kudos to the staff for keeping that under wraps. Video of him looks good, seems athletic with some good ball skills for a guy his size, saw some nice passes in one video I saw as well. Love the scouting report on hustle and max effort, need that type of attitude on this team.

One more spot, needs to be 6’9+ wide bodied big and front court is set for 3 years….if can’t get that, I’d settle for devon thomas! SW looks like he can get out and run man, and JC can as well, imagine D Thomas pushing the tempo with DC and AP on the wings, and JC/JG/SW filling in the lanes…that is speed baby…