2 deep surprises

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football 2 deep surprises

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by ngineer ngineer 15 years, 5 months ago.

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    Wow,lots of surprises on the 2 deep particularly on OL with Pelligrini and Weitz McKenna moved to OG.More changes than I like but hpe they gel quickly. Campbell over Walker major surprise I hope because he has gotten that much better rather than more injury to Walker. Brickner moving inside real good move.



    I suspect Coach is moving to provide younger guys some playng time against CCSU in anticipation of a long season. This is the best game to get PT for some early in the season so they get use to the speed and intensity. In a long season there WILL be injuries…so having a bit of game time under your belt helps calm the nerves of "jumping into" a game during midway in the action.


    I surprised to see Campbell get the nod, too, but he has shown well in practice and scrimmages from all reports. I think (hope) we’ll see alot of pt for a lot of people on Saturday for the right reasons. I think Coen is also a ‘message sender’ in that no one’s job/position is sacrosanct and merit gets rewarded.

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