2014-2015 Roster

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball 2014-2015 Roster

This topic contains 12 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  LUHoops00 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    Just noticed the 2014-2015 roster’s been posted. Conrad back, and all the incoming aboard. As an unsophisticated casual fan, I enjoy reading the new bios, now all in one place, and try to get a sense of how this group compares to incoming classes in the recent past. To me the transfers (KM & JRG) on top of the incoming freshman make this a very interesting group. But how good will they really be compared to last year’s newbies? I’m curious what the really wired in posters on the board think….. Any opinions? Plus this dead period before the schedule is announced is killing me……..



    I definitely don’t count myself among the most plugged in, but I am a junkie for sure. I honestly feel nearly as uncertain about this year as I did last year – which seems strange. We really only lost one starter, but it feels like there are a TON of unknowns once again. To me the only “sure thing” is TK. CS will certainly be a starter and major contributor – but I don’t know which position now!
    I was very confident that he’d be starting at the 1, but Doc seems to have a surprising level of optimism about KR at the one.
    I think we can also be confident the JC will start and play major minutes. I’m the oddball that hopes he plays 3 rather than 4, but that’s probably unlikely. And we have a MAJOR traffic jam for minutes at 2 & 3. Like you, I’m excited about the possibilities with the new faces – frosh and transfers alike.



    How do you figure Mccaskill fits into the rotation? If he could walk- on at UCLA, he’s got to be scholarship quality for Lehigh.


    How do you figure Mccaskill fits into the rotation? If he could walk- on at UCLA, he’s got to be scholarship quality for Lehigh.

    I think he could end up contributing, but I don’t think his time at UCLA indicates he will be scholarship quality for Lehigh. I can’t find evidence of any scholarship offers for McCaskill while he was at prep school, and have heard he was headed for a high level D3 before changing his mind and choosing to walk-on at UCLA. There was mutual interest between McCaskill and a number of Ivies it appears, but none of the schools ever offered McCaskill a spot. For the most part I wouldn’t say walk-ons at higher level schools are better than walk-ons at lower levels since almost any player would take a scholarship if offered one.



    So in the rotation but not quite a starter?


    So in the rotation but not quite a starter?

    If I was forced to make a prediction, that would probably be it. Gets some minutes here or there, but not in the top 8. Assuming he is a 3/4, he will be competing against established guys Chuku (3/4), Conroy (4), Goldsborough (4/5), Price (2/3) and Stefan (3) who will obviously all be getting minutes, and probably a lot of minutes for JC, Price, and Goldy. Add in other newcomers Alston (2/3) and JRG (3) to the mix at the 3, and nobody really knows about them either at this point. So hard to predict with this many new guys on the squad. The good part is there will definitely be competition for minutes, which is a good thing I believe.



    I still wonder why the roster is so stacked toward guards.


    I still wonder why the roster is so stacked toward guards.

    I agree. I think there is a good chance that it is unintentional and the staff failed to land big guys that they would have liked to bring on. If this roster composition is how they drew it up in their heads, I would have to say I disagree with that thinking. It seems to me that this incoming class (Kahron Ross, Tyler Jenkins, Brandon Alston) could have used a legit 4/5 prospect to develop behind Kempton/Goldsborough/Chuku.


    To me the biggest asset to attract above average talent at our mid-major level is a legit promise of immediate playing time. With Kempton, Goldy, and Chuku already here, that’s a tough promise to make. Tim knew the big fellows were leaving.



    At this point, I’m hoping we haven’t overestimated our ability to recruit bigs. I think our commit list this year will be very telling.
    I hear what jimk72 is saying – but at the same time, I think a legit 4 could feel pretty good about playing his way into the lineup for us. Recruits are certainly aware of the same info we are – a roster loaded with guards.


    I’m betting all bigs next year. All inside 6’7 rebounders would be fine.:)



    Interesting tweet from coach kroogs tonight:

    I don’t know much but I know this. That all time assist record that @M_Hall503 set & Mackey broke are in TROUBLE!! Young fella #DroppinDimes

    Let the speculation begin! I’m betting that this is the same frosh that Coach Reed expressed some excitement about…



    Reed excitement in Ross is from Kroogs, who has seen Ross live so often during his recruitment. Ross is a pure one and those highlight videos of his there are some very telling passing abilities on display, I see a very natural distributor almost Stockton esque. If he is a day 1 four year starter like Mackey and marquise it will be interesting to see how the MS TJ BA AP and CS minute distribution goes for the remaining 1 minutes and the 2 & 3 minutes.

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