247 recruiting ranking for 2018

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football 247 recruiting ranking for 2018

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 7 years ago.

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  • #33675

    Interesting A star counting formula . But it confirms what we’ve known for a while about amped up Ivy recruiting.

    92 Navy
    93 Army
    101 Princeton
    110 Yale
    124 NDSU
    129 Harvard
    144 Penn
    146 Columbia
    147 Stony Brook
    152 Fordham
    164 JMU
    166 Nova
    171 Dartmouth
    175 Lehigh
    186 Lafayette
    194 UNH
    197 Colgate
    Bucknell and Holy Cross not ranked



    Anybody who places any merit in class rankings or how many stars a kid gets has to be out there mind. The so-called experts cannot even get the top 3 college football teams recruiting rankings correct…then we validate kids by how many stars they come out of high school with. Its all a joke. Its for water -cooler talk only. Give them stars after the second year on the college football field. Rankings and stars are for the jock-sniffers!!! Need somebody to give me there opinion on the Holy Cross defense of recent…


    I’m not sure I’m actually writing this, but … I think I AGREE with GAME ON! (Except for the jock-sniffer part.)

    The rankings, in many cases, especially the lower you get, are sketchy.

    I noticed G-town is not on the list, or are they that bad? I’ve heard good kids from schools near me may be headed there.


    No one believes * s are the be all and end all to measure recruiting. Other than 3+ *s they are a crap shhot.
    I find it interesting for the level of Ivy recruiting. Stars are not predictive of individual success but they do have some validity for team success down the road.



    Anybody???Holy Cross defense any good???

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