
This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by RichH RichH 12 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #6357

    I originally thought merit aid would have a small effect on roster size. LFN’s blog today noted that PL stance is 60recruits receiving any sort of aid. Initially, I assumed that recruits receiving same need aid as available to all students, while they count for 85 max, they would not count towards PL limit of 60 . Seems they do. I would think a much more drastic reduction in roster size.. From what I can glean from last yr about 55 to 60 get some PT. Out of a squad of 100. Will it impact play?
    Another Q ,what about partial schollies? We split 1 and give it to 2 kids. Is that 2 or 1 against PL limit of 60?Still nice to have them but impact certainly diluted. Understand now why Tavani said he was only giving full rides. Geez I wish the damn season would start so I can just worry about football.

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