A Forgotten Man?

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball A Forgotten Man?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  norcalfan 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    With all the talk of BJ’s return to basketball, our challenging OOC schedule, the fine recruits headed to South Mountain, our backcourt speed and depth, off-season strength and conditioning programs, and the dream of a fan-friendly run ‘n gun offense – not to mention the return of the nation’s leading returning point scorer, CJ – let’s for a moment pay due respect our "6th man" and wonder about his role in the coming months. I speak of my dark horse captain pick, # 44 or should I say #10 – as noted on the 2011-12 Player Roster – senior, Jordan Hamilton.

    A look back……………..

    Freshman Year (2008-9)
    Games Played (GP): 17
    Games Started (GS): 0
    Min/Game: 5.2
    Pts/ Game: 1.2
    Rebounds/Game: 0.8
    FG%: .438
    3FG%: .375

    Sophomore Year (2009-10)
    GP: 15
    GS: 0
    Min/Game: 5.3
    Pts/Game: 1.6
    Rebounds/Game: 0.7
    FG%: .450
    3FG%: .250

    Junior Year (2010-11)
    GP: 26
    GS: 3
    Min/Game: 16.3 (averaged 21.7 in PL’s second half)
    Pts/Game: 5.0 (teams’ 6th highest)
    Rebounds/Game: 1.9 (team’s 6th highest)
    FG%: .471
    3FG%: .318 (highest of all returning players)

    For those who may have forgotten, here’s a look back at the story and post game video of one of Jordan’s finest moments – his 15 pt., 4 rebound, 26 minutes performance in the PL Quarterfinal game vs. Navy on 3/2/11.

    http://www.lehighsports.com/sports/mbba … inals.aspx

    The captain announcement should come soon, if history is to be our guide. Dr. Reed released the names to last year’s squad on October 19th of 2010. Any thoughts? CJ?? Gabe?? Who??

    PS What’s up, Jordan, with the shift to #10? I see #44 now belongs to Conroy Baltimore who wore #50 during his stellar career at Archbishop Stepinac High.


    Nice post 65. Jordan did have a very nice 2nd half of last season and it will be very interesting to see how that continues into this year. It is always nice to have seniors that are major contributors, and I think you might be spot on with your prediction that JH will be a captain.

    Another wildcard is McCarthy. He too showed a lot of improvement down the stretch last year, and it would be great if he can really be an asset this year. His size and offensive skill, either relieving or playing alongside Knutson, could be a very interesting wrinkle.

    This team could really be frighteningly deep this year. We already know about the return of 4 starters – and we have the BJ saga to continue tuning into. Add to that Hamilton, D’Orazio, McCarthy, and Adams who have all been contributors at one point or another over the past few seasons. D’Orazio showed some terrific flashes last year.

    And that doesn’t even include the incoming freshman – with all reports pointing to Baltimore being a superb defender, and Stefan and Corey Schaefer very capable shooters.



    Captains, interesting discussion, definitely cj and gabe, it is their team for the rest of their careers. A third captain I guess would come from one of the seniors in the aforementioned hamilton, adams, or maneri. Remember the third spot usually is a sr leader, does not have to be a top player.

    As for hamilton being forgotten, I would disagree slightly here, cause he gets a lot of love from our posters. I actually think we all could make an argument that Adams is more forgotten, two years ago he did all the little things right in the banner season, defended and rebounded, fdought for loose balls, huge impact. Last year, min per game and production way down, maybe injury related who knows, but through year two on campus he had bigger impact then hamilton did. For that, we could say he is more forgotten.

    One other interesting stat you touched on which has to improve this year is the deep ball. We had no consistent knockdown shooter last year, could stefan solve that? I have posted his you tube highlights on here before, and while those have to be taken with grain of salt, the stroke is the stroke is the stroke, and his is pure folks. Could he, like fellow pl canadian at bu johnson, have that kind of impact at LU? Let’s hope the answer is yes.

    Practice friday? Any midnight madness activities at LU?



    It seems the Men’s and Women’s programs decided to forgo the Midnight Madness celebration this year. One can only surmise it was because of the dearth of fan support from the student body. I guess these kids are too busy rehearsing for VM or managing their 401Ks to be bothered with something so mundane and pedestrian as Division I College basketball. It must be depressing for the athletes to see the lack of interest from the students ..



    Wow! This does not fair well for the rest of the season. They are away a lot during pre-season. The team seemed rather excited per the videos. Maybe the student body will tune in later this year.

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