A ranking

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football A ranking

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by RichH RichH 12 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #5990

    Well, trolling internet payscale.com rankings for 2012
    Most interesting was the ROI rankings ( salary scales with LU,Gate and HC about equal, BU just a bit lower)

    Return on investment ranks Lehigh #12
    Pards 22
    Gate 33
    Hoya 36
    BU 44
    FU 99

    Forgot to check American. Just soe early trivia to pass the time til Camp



    I would think that this is a very talking point when recruiting students in both the classroom and for athletics.
    IMHO, it’s a real shame that the rating services for colleges don’t use more output based criteria like this or % of graduates who pass their accreditation exams etc. rather than input based like avg SAT, top 10% etc.


    NCAA rules geared to all kids bootom to top dout these stats relevant to their goal. On salary for grads Gate is 5, we are 6 and HC 7 ,all pretty equal. Bu is 9 and LC 27. In practically all their metrics , LU is in the top 10 nationally



    That is why in the NCAA Basketball, Lehigh won the Nerd Bracket, as mentioned in the “Lehigh Beat Duke” video. It was based on starting salary after graduation. So, Lehigh was ahead of Duke, Virginia, Notre Dame, Harvard, etc. Not too shabby.


    My question related to the pay scales:

    Engineering enrollment at Lehigh, I believe, is starting to get back to where it was a decade or more ago, I think, yet it seems like a smaller percentage of athletes are majoring in the curricula that lead to the most lucrative jobs — probably because the time commitment to sports has increased so much in recent years.

    Anyone have a good handle on this?


    Delving into metrics , while engineering does very well , business majors are driving the income levels bus right now

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