For what it’s worth, in very limited minutes, TJ is at 2.4 pts/FGA and 11.76 FGA/40. I’d be fine with giving him some run, if he’s gonna try to make things happen. The sample size is ridiculously small, but I think we’ve got to shake things up.
I agree that we need to get WAY more FTs. But I also wonder if that’s due, in some part, to insufficient FGAs from bigs. I think JG’s lack of productivity at American was largely about matchups. The “4” for American, (Reed) was a problematic match-up on the defensive end. He lives out at the arc, and that doesn’t suit JG for defense; that’s my best guess at coach’s logic. JG only got 17 minutes. I question that decision a bit – I think he would have been a matchup problem on our offensive end – but I don’t believe that I have the eye for defense.
I’m totally comfortable with AP. He might not have taken the stat leap we hoped for, but I think we’ve seen very good things with versatility – he goes to the basket now. But we need another player on the wing (I hate that term) with him on the floor. Some combo of BA and MS would be my choice.