An LFN Investigation: What's Wrong with Patriot League football?

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football An LFN Investigation: What's Wrong with Patriot League football?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by RichH RichH 7 years, 3 months ago.

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    An LFN Investigation: What’s Wrong with Patriot League football?



    Wow. I had thought the reduction in roster size was an NCAA rule. Obviously not. I believe in the greatest era, 1998-2001, I believe Roster size was always over 100 (up to about 105?). our roster looks to be 86(?). Certainly we could get 3 more walk-ons a year. 99 or 100 seems like a correct limit, but would everyone agree? Laf, Colg, Buck at least, seem to be expanding undergraduate numbers, but would they be concerned about Title 9?.

    Lehigh could also benefit from non-injury redshirts, but I know we would be in a group of one.


    don’t understand why we don’t have walk ons to at least reach 90, pre-schollie we were at something like 55 schollie equivalents but got roster of 100, so that must have been quite a few walk ons, PL limits # of walk ons too I believe, which makes no sense to me


    Ae do have ar least 6 PWOs and 3 true WOs. The issue I think is we gave out a lot of full schollies in the soph and frozh classes. The rezult can be seen on our 2 deep. Even with that we are IMO to far under cap.

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