Another LOSS by a TD or less

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Another LOSS by a TD or less

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Lehigh74 15 years, 3 months ago.

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    Team played much better against a better team. No TOs only 3 penalties but they still dont know how to win . Had chances. Clark missed open wrs all day. Last pass to drwal at his feet. Next one he overthrew both times wrs open.

    D could not cover Simonds or stop McCord. Overall D could have played better but they kept us in the game. O could not do it as usual. Campbell solid and Clark actually ran fairly well. If only he could recall how to

    Nice to be competitive with Gate even better to win one. Andy still has not been able to build this team. Where is last yrs O ? Clark pretty accurate passer last yr. They have him so twisted he cant even hit open wrs.


    Yes, another ‘winnable’ game. We don’t know how to win anymore. We keep beating ourselves with horrid mistakes. The late hit by Newton out of bounds was so stupid and gave Colgate new life, which resulted in TD when the safety bit on the run fake and to burned. Tackling was lousy and against McCord, he got tons of YAC. Lack of execution is based either on lack of preparation or lack of focus. The talent is there, but it’s been there. Our line outweighed Colgate’s by 25lb per–on both sides, yet you wouldn’t know it. THEY executed. The infatuation with running all the wr’s deep without anyone breaking off and coming across the middle mistifies me…especially if Clark doesn’t have time. Another ‘modern’ record tied–23 years since Lehigh had three losing seasons in a row (1984-86), when we went 5-6 each year. We’d have to run the table to be that ‘good’ this year. Who’d of thunk it after all the glowig reports we heard in August?



    Coen is a nice guy but he has no clue how to be a successful head coach. He has to go, and hopefully Sterrett will not hesitate to pull the trigger at the end of the season. This team is so frustrating to watch because the talent is there but you just know that if the game is close the coaching staff will always put the team in position to lose.

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