Another scholarship???

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Another scholarship???

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    Q, does Doc have another schollie available now? I’m oing to guess that Doc has known for a while that Kevin could not come back. Will he use it this year?

    Of course corrollary is will he stay?


    My understanding is that Dr. Reed will have another scholarship available and maybe he can convince an unsigned big man to come spend a year with CJ, Gabe, and Holden as seniors and try to get back to the dance. Not sure what kind of guys are still out there this late in the game, but we all know that the team could use some beef up front to deal with the Kenny Freases of the world. As of now, next years roster has zero true 5 men.

    Another option is that maybe he will offer the scholarship to BJB.


    If BJ a walk on wouldn’t we have 2 open schollies with Kevin retired?


    Would be nice to get a big . Frease killed us inside. Saw none on our list for this yearor next.


    “If BJ a walk on wouldn’t we have 2 open schollies with Kevin retired?”

    Was BJ’s status ever fully explained? If he were a true walk-on, i.e. paying all of his own tuition, room, board, etc, then there would have been no issue as far as him working out with the team in the Fall and participating fully in all early practices. Based on all that went on, I assumed he was receiving aid that required some sort of NCAA waiver.

    I would be surprised if he does not count against the scholarship limit next year.



    RichH – Great thread,I found myself wondering the same thing this weekend after reading the KM news. Man, now that season is over, I’m going to admit I’m really upset about the KM news. One would think he would have been huge help vs the Freases of the world, the muscalas of the world for next 3 years. Really disheartening, because without him, we’ve got a ton of 4’s and 3’s, but NOT ONE 5 on the entire roster. That, scares me big time. We’ll freeking out-guard play anyone next year, with MM/CJ/BJB/DC but front court is full of “light in the pants” guys.

    With that, and per the below, where I counted BJB as a scholly – WE APPEAR TO HAVE ONE SCHOLLY LEFT TO GET TO 13! To me, there is no freeking hesitation on this one, next year has chance to be so special and you have to use it now, have to get a big center and sell him on next year but also future post-CJ which looks bright. This attention we’ve gotten has to be maximized and strike while the iron is hot.

    My unofficial scholly count by current class:
    ’13 – CJ, GK, HG
    ’14 – MM, BJB, AD
    ’15 – CS, SC, CB
    ’16 – DC, JC, JG


    Saw Justin tall but very thin. Not a post guy ( yet) . Agree we have lots of everything except a 5. Kevin’s loss not easily replaceable. While not quickest guy around he was strong inside with good movement. Another Z would be great.



    6’10” big guys aren’t exactly falling from the sky for PL level teams. In fact, I can’t recall Lehigh having a true big man (6’9″ or 6’10″+ with big body) who could play in the last 25 years. Gabe is really a 4. We are always going to be undersized at the 5 spot. Guys like Carrington, Mbonu were undersized 5s as well. Muscala is a once a generation player for PL. Not to mention, this late in the game, the cupboard is bare, especially for big guys. Your only shot this late in the game is to find some project and hope to develop him. Maybe you find a Safstrom type (big body) who has only drawn D3 interest, and you try to make him a player. A guy like Safstrom would have really helped vs. Xavier.

    Next year, you are looking at 5 by committee. Gabe, obviously, and hopefully you get contributions from Goldsborough (as a shot blocking force) and Baltimore as a rebounder. Outside of those 3, you can’t rely on anyone else to fill up the paint. You are going to need a lot of rebounding from your smaller guys (CJ and HG).

    With that being said, next year’s team should be more talented than this year’s team on paper. You lose Hamilton, Adams, and Manieri, and gain Chuku, Carter, and Goldsborough. Chuku is a bigger Hamilton, who looks more athletic and both are primarily long range 3 ball threats. So, that is an upgrade. Goldsborough is about Manieri’s height (much thinner), but looks more athletic and brings something to the table that this year’s team lacked (shotblocking). I think if he shows athleticism, can run the floor and finish around the hoop, and is an intimidator in the paint, not with girth, but long wingspan and blocking shots, that is an upgrade. And, Devon Carter has a ton of potential and talent. He clearly is not Adams in size, but he could be a special player (I would be shocked if he is not a 1000 point scorer for his career), so you have to call that an upgrade as well.

    I am projecting a starting lineup next season of:

    1. MM
    2. CJ
    3. HG
    4. CB
    5. GK
    Baltimore is hopefully going to be your Dennis Rodman type. Play defense, maybe block a shot or two, and rebound the ball like crazy. Don’t need his offense, but need him to do the dirty work. Then I think, Carter is going to be too talented not to be your 6th man. I also think, Goldsborough is going to be your first big off the bench by default. He needs to do the same things CB does, defend and rebound and block shots.


    We did have one ,M was a monster and before hurt a pretty good inside guy. I remember Falkenbach , probably best rebounder LU has ever had ,only 6’7 but knew how to get ball. Like your lineup. Conroy could be a very good inside guy. Needs a bit more muscle. Tough when your best rebounders are both 6’3.

    Q Which Holden will show up next year?


    I think Holden is going to bounce back big time next year. He has the talent to be All-PL and just needs sustained confidence and focus. I was actually a little irked when in Housenick’s article he said we had 3 starters returning when I absolutely consider Holden a starter, and in some games our best player. Who knows how his season would have ended without the ankle injury?

    As for the open scholarship, if we have our math right and the staff has one open spot, I agree with Hoops that you have to use it if you can find even a project big body. Big men are a crapshoot anyway, and next year is a HUGE year for this program, and we have something we can really sell right now. I’m as much on the CB bandwagon as anyone else, but you can’t replace size. Sometimes it’s not even about rebounding as much as it is about clogging the paint, setting some hard screens, and setting a physical tone for a few stretches. Maneri was great at that the 2nd half of this year, and even if we rebound by committee, I think we need a big body and true 5 man to fill out the roster. I don’t expect to find a center ready to step in and start as a freshman this late in the recruiting game (or ever really), but I do think that the program in general needs a big body to replace KM and Maneri.


    Not likely to find a 6’10 rebounder ready to play now. Would be nice. Do think there might be some offensively challenged widebody out there who can fill the middle . Well I can hope. Even without another recruit this year, we will be verygood next year ( assuming we all return)



    I am not sure how KM would have panned out over his career. We saw so little of him, and I can only really recall one game where he was a significant factor (away to Lafayette, last year). He would have been a space heater for sure, but could he have given you a lot other than as a wide body and screener, I guess we will never know.

    You are going to need some size to match up with Bucknell and Holy Cross. But, there are different ways to skin a cat. Hopefully, this team is more of a full court pressing, trapping type team (1-3-1). 40 minutes of hell. If JG can be an eraser near the basket with his shotblocking, I would love to see us be a pressing team with MM, CJ, DC and BB. We should be striving to play serious uptempo basketball with games in the 80’s.

    Would also like to see SC, step up and be a bench 3 point sniper. Somebody who could play 10-15 minutes consistently and hit a high % from 3. With all of our guards being able to penetrate and kick to shooters, he could be really valuable. He will probably battle Chuku for that role. I am hoping Chuku has a lot more to his game than just the 3 ball. He has a body that is ready day one.

    HG, is also critical, and I expect him to be the second best player on the team with Gabe (2A and 2B). He was really coming on in the first half of this season prior to injury. Has a nice athleticism to his game, and does a lot of things well.
    Shoots 3, can play off the bounce, can rebound, surprisingly long, can defend and block some shots for a smaller guy, and can get out in transition.

    But, number one question mark for next season is can CB or JG step up as a big man? Sort of like this season, who is your first big? JM and JA stepped up this season, and hopefully one of those two do next season, if not both.



    For the record, Dozie Mbonu was listed as 6’7 in the program, but I swear on my Maker that he was no taller than 6’3. I’m 6’3, and I could look him in the eye. For that matter, Bobby K was only marginally bigger than Dozie, and he was a top PL rebounder.

    I agree the PL is unlikely to see Frease/”Big Country” types join up anytime soon. Muscala is a rare talent for a reason. If LU can get someone at this late timeframe, it would have to be a tall, lanky 6’4 freshman forward with the thought that he’ll get every opportunity to be able to earn his way into the starting forward rotation – and I’m pretty sure it will be a rotation.


    Saw Conroy in HS , real good inside rebounder, smart with hops. Can he take pounding inside for a season. he needs more muscle. He will be a very good PL F, OOC ??? Justin can I think give Doc some minutes next year at PF.


    Dozie was 6’4 onhis best day but had Barkley size around 245-250

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