anyone know why Coen went for 2?

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football anyone know why Coen went for 2?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  TMH 14 years, 5 months ago.

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    what’s the advantage of 35-22 compared to 34-22?

    was the kicker hurt?


    My only thought is that 13 point lead would have forced Princeton to go for TDs as opposed to a TD and two FGs, which would have force an OT as opposed to losing 35-34. There wasn’t much time left, but then, we’ve had some crazy late plays go against us versus Princeton over the past few years.



    "The Chart" said so!



    My guess is he didn’t want Lum to go back on the field as the holder.



    Personally I was stunned. It all worked out in the end but if the 2 point conversion fails, it remains an 11 pt game….a touchdown, 2 pt conversion and a FG. Princeton immediately drove down the field. They could have easily scored with a well thrown pass in the corner which would have given them almost a minute for an on-side kick and FG attempt. I know that’s a lot of ifs but it needed to be considered at that moment. Does anyone know who held for the FG and extra point after Lum left the game?



    1) Lum was coming out to hold for extra points in the 4th quarter. I know this because I saw it during the broadcast. It was something I noted because I thought it was a tiny bit odd due to his injury.

    2) The 11, 12 or 13 point lead on the chart is a really tough call, and probably one that will always be one to debate. I thought of it as: it didn’t much matter because two touchdowns would have been needed to win the game anyway. 11 or 12 doesn’t help much, but 13 is better. That’s my take.



    I certainly don’t want to belabor the point but 12 points+ 2 touchdowns in the time allowed. 11=1 touchdown, 2pt conversion and a FG to tie. That scenario was looking frighteningly possible at the end of the game had we not converted the 2. Now to bring on Hew Hampshire.

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