AU 68 -51

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    We have a lot of very talented individual players.
    Troyan has yet to meld this group into a team. Not an easy process with 7 new players. That said staff still seems to lack a plan for effectively using the talent they have. Caveat ,of course, frosh can be very inconsistent. Frosh transit into D1 college ball at varying rates.
    That confusion leads to a team that cannot play D.



    I cannot agree more. Rotations and pairings are still incomprehensible. I would have liked to see GG and ME together for example. KB could have played more. HP was a real spark off the bench but did too much after that. Freshmen still inconsistent and no rebounds for GG. But the worst part is the starters’ lack of defensive effort (individually and as a team). Effort has nothing to do with being young. You cannot teach effort.
    So, no defense and complete lack of discipline offensively with bad decision making and rushed shots (mostly Q). Did I count 6 airballs? No real inside game again despite clear advantage.
    Went to the charity line only 8 times !!!!
    Hope TC is fine but it did not look good. Who’s going to step up?


    Dont see frosh as lacking effort even on D. Appears to me they are all rather confused on D. Thinking rather than acting. Communication non existent because I think they dont know what to communicate. Switches befuddle them. Pick and rolls get lost. Part of that is due to lack of a post inside. We play most of the game without one. Sue has 2 play them.



    I will respectfully disagree (just a little) but when you let AU take that many threes in Q1, when you lose most of the 50/50 balls, that’s to me is a lack of defensive effort.
    But I agree (again) with you about the confusion on D and the miscommunication. That’s GR’s job and he’s been awful from the sideline.
    Having ME’s presence in the paint helps. She dissuades opponnents to venture in the paint. And she showed today that she can help if you trust her enough.
    I’d also like to see more competition between CBZ and BM. Give the kid a shot at the 4 position.


    Agree on post. ME and CBZ should be rotating there. With MW and BM alternating some at 4. Depending on matchups you can play more or less post game. Never see a needvto start 4 frosh. They may be your best players but that unit does not yet wirk and force feeding it will not make it better. Frosh learn quicker from their teammates on the floor. floor not from a coach during a TO.

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