Back to back heartbreakers

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by RichH RichH 10 years, 10 months ago.

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    Wlax lost to Navt 9-8 in OT. Superb effort by ladies w/o Soknik on the field. In the playoffs if Pards beat Bucknell.



    I am new to the Lacrosse game. Enjoyed the Men’s game immensely. However, watching the women last night was painful. Rules make it difficult to watch. Too many stops. OT rules rediculous. They must revisit to keep me interested…….or am I being too critical?


    No, not really. WLax will never be as physical as M’s but it can be speeded up. There are way too many stoppages. Also,some sort of shot clock is needed. I enjoy the game for its flow resulting from the limiting of physical checking..
    MLax is putting in a shot clock to speed up game, I think girls will adopt some type of clock to limit endless possessions by team ahead on the scoreboard.

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