Brett Reed Show

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Brett Reed Show

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by jimk72 jimk72 10 years ago.

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    Just posted to twitter: it appears that Doc will be doing a regular basketball show on local TV, starting tonight. I doubt we’ll be able to get it outside of the LV area, but if anybody catches it and can share insight, that would be great!

    ‏@BrettReedBBShow #BrettReedBasketballShow starts tonight at 9pm on Service Electric. Tune in for insights into our season! @LehighMBB @TV2_Sports @sectv


    Has anyone ever seen this show? Is it any good? Or available online?

    I can find no trace other than twitter.



    i found some mention on service electric’s site, but at that time there was nothing available online. i’ll check again.



    Found a “watch live” link on Service Electric’s site, but looks like you need to have an account. Probably for SE customers only. I’ll drop them an email and see if there’s any way to access archives, for those of us outside of SE’s area.

    For any SE customers, here’s the link I found:

    Live Stream


    I’ve watched. Doc is very good on the show. It’s hosted by one of the cable company’s sports talking heads. No earth shattering news comes out but it’s well produced and offers insight into recent games and performances. It airs on Service Electric’s system (Lehigh Valley & western NJ) Sunday nights. They usually have a guest. If I can’t watch live I usually tape it. Lehigh should somehow make it available on the sports website.

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