Chagani dt recruit NY

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Chagani dt recruit NY

This topic contains 3 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  lfnadmin 15 years, 9 months ago.

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    Chagani was named tothe Golden 50 by NYs HS coaches



    By comparison LU is not keeping pace at this level of NY State recruiting…
    BTW – check out Hofstra’s take on talent……scholarships certainly make
    a difference at this level of competition.

    First Name Last Name High School College Position
    Harlen Abelhouse East Meadow Colgate OL
    Craig Capodiferro Locust Valley Colgate OL
    Andy Heagle East Syracuse Minola Colgate K
    Ryan Higgins Chaminade Fordham QB
    Ted Clohessy St Joseph By the Sea Fordham LB
    Sajjad Chagni Sewanhaka Lehigh OL
    DJ Forbragd Camden Lafayette QB
    Ryan Cramer Oneida Colgate QB
    Anthony Dima Centereach Hofstra OL
    Malcolm Eugene John Glenn Hofstra LB
    Reginald Franklin Holy Cross Hofstra LB
    Miguel Maysonet Riverhead Hofstra RB
    Matt McBride Holy Trinity Hofstra OL
    Stephen Medard Amityville Hofstra DL
    Andrew Smith Riverhead Hofstra DL


    Capodiferro was recruited by us,none of the others ring a bell.We , unlike LC have never recruited LI or NY heavily. Many of the kidslisted forHofstra could not be admitted at LU



    Don’t forget Albany and Stony Brook, who get a huge share of NY talent, and of course Colgate/Cornell. While most of their talent is upstate, they also make inroads on "the Island" too.

    We get some NY talent, but the competition for recruits down south has really ramped up with Albany and Stony Brook IMO. Not to mention Rutgers.

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