
Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football defense

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  LehighGuy 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #27685

    objective observer

    don’t worry about the d-line #90 is going to be fine

    actually at the scrims he played both DE and NG- don’t be surprise to see a lot of him on Saturday Mitchell is good – but has shoulder issues-

    if I was the coach of other team – Mitchell nice kid but easy to handle too low to the ground for my style- easy to double team and push him down field 5-10 yards

    Secondary still a concern

    as for the DEs- need to give 100% on EVERY play- sometimes saw players taking off plays last year- REALLY NICE SPeed on the ends- but you also need to watch for the run- be patient watch for draws and screens- sometimes you get comfortable and GO TOOOO FAR up field with the pass rush!

    Offense- needs to continue what they do!- and the Patriot League Championship will return!

    NEED TO PLAY A TOTAL of 4 Quarters- GAVE UP WAY TOO MANY POINTS in the 2nd half last year-


    Not much to take issue with oo.
    Mitchell will be fine if he can stay healthy. A feat he has yet to do. I like short and wide in a NG. Harder to double than taller guys . A success if he draws a double team. Its the LBs play then. Both Caveness and Johnson got caught numerous times losing edge control. Experience I hope will help alleviate that. Big upside on TC at NG is his height and speed in the pass rush. Expect we will have decent pressure without over blitzing.



    if we can hold MU to 28 points we win, BIG if. heres hoping for a W this weekend!

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