Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football DEFENSE ?

This topic contains 23 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by RichH RichH 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #15713

    Current standings
    Pass. 119 of 121
    Rush. 118
    Pass Eff. 113
    Scoring. 110
    Total. 120 just ahead of Columbia

    Not surprising but truly depressing.


    Spent some time viewing JMU and UNH.
    D at its base is either reactive or proactive. The latter relies mostly on schemes to protect The latter on speed first ,schemes next to accomplish that goal. We play neither. It seems to be a protect D that tries to also attack . To me,pick one and play it well. We are not big but we are fast. Use the speed. Smplify system so kids know what to do so they do it fast.



    It’s somewhat amazing that we’re not last.

    From Top 1 or 2 against the run to last in what, five years?


    Gotta laugh,but Columbia out inepted us across the board.


    While Columbia is last, it is based on a sample size of one (Fordham). Ours is based on a sample size of three. So, statistically our ineptness is more significant and a better predictor of future ineptness.



    The 2 deep will be out today correct? My question is when do they change it beside for injuries. I mean they play on Sat. film on Sun, no practice Mon. 2 deep out on Tues. When can a kid move up the chart? If you go by game performance it shoudve been changed!



    Lehigh Guy, what kid or kids do you keep talking about. What young players do you want to see on the field? You give little info on the reason you’re so determined to see a change. Did you go to the spring game, do you go to practice? Just curious………Unless your son is on the team, then back off.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by  Miller.


    Yes I went to the spring game, yes I see the practices. The reason I want to see a change? Is that a real question? Are you serious? Why do you not want a change! Our D is dead last in all FCS after 3 games. I want to see ANY young kid thats going to be our future and play better than what we’ve seen! Would you rather just keep the D out there that gives over 40pts a game and over 630yds? I’m just curious


    Not much disagreement LG. Think what he was acting for specifics. Who did you see who could move up? Which schollie players can get PT on this D that will help us? Honestly dont see anyone new helping D this year but IMO ,some PT for them on D and O will help us next year.



    Specifics, I’d like to see Cavenas get some PT on the D-line (6’5 270). I thought #8 would be upgrade over #13, not so much. Put #37 soph Barrett in or the Fr. Siegenthaler at SS(probably fastest and physical). How about McCain at a Lb, spot. On KR, how about Kelsey(nice speed…video) and Redmond(true Rb…looks like Leaks). Hell if Yosha out put Redmond back at RB. You cant redshirt these guys….use them!



    So you admit you were wrong that #8 would be an upgrade over #13…aka…the coaches were already playing the best guy. For the record #8 is a Sr. so that’s not really playing a young guy. Redmond at RB? So let’s move a guy who’s been playing DB to RB because he’ll learn all the plays and protections in 3 days of practice and be better than a Sr. like Sodeke who’s played the position for 4 years. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I could maybe understand if you said play Leigh at RB because he’s showed signs of doing some good things but moving a guy at this point is not practical. Not sure what you do for a living but you should coach football because you have it all figured out. Fire Coen and hire YOU!

    I’ve been quiet this week because I did not see the Yale game and didn’t feel right commenting but when I read foolishness like this, I have no choice but to respond.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by  TheCobbler.


    Yes #8 is bout the same as #13. No upgrade. Did I say start the Redmond kid? No. Looks like we’re down to Leigh and Sodeke at Rb. With the Jr. who hasn’t seen time in 3yrs. And a walk-on. If the first 2 get hurt then what? Only foolishness are posts from a guy that don’t watch practices or the games

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by  LehighGuy.


    Sorry, didn’t realize you were posting about who the 3rd string RB should be…

    Don’t be foolish AND spineless. You made a dumb statement, got called out on it, and now you’re back peddling. Have fun at practice.


    Cobbler and Lehigh Guy,
    Disagree all you want. Again stop with the name calling and insults.



    No need to back pedal. Read the post, reading comprehension. I said put the kid at KR, Yosha is out, we’re thin at RB. Put him BACK at RB, his true position. If you read any of my other posts I think I lobbied for Leigh. But then again, you would have to READ it.

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