Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football DEFENSIVE BACKS

This topic contains 30 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  LehighGuy 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #16267

    LU 77, 85, 88, 15

    Something not right with DB coverage; in every home game which I have attended, DB’s do not look back for the ball, they have their back to the QB, and they have been burned for big yardage or called for pass interference, even when stride for stride with receiver. It’s chronic, and it should be correctable by good coaching


    There is one thing you can count on from the Lehigh defensive backs, which is an outrageous celebration every time they make a decent play. After getting torched all game (and all season), Rigaud had a single pass break up on an underthrown ball and ran around in circles making an “incomplete” gesture for 10 seconds. Honestly, I found it somewhat pathetic/embarrassing.

    I have no problem “playing with passion” and “enjoying the game” but to celebrate that wildly on an incompletion in a game in which you are getting absolutely dismantled is cringe worthy.



    I’m glad someone is TRYING to show emotion, usually that becomes contagious. Like it or not, if we don’t start celebrating and trying to get pumped up, then the season will end at 1-10. Maybe Coen has rubbed off on the players and Rigaud is trying to change the atmosphere. Yes we have never looked back or read the QBs eyes, we are trying to read the Wrs eyes and turn late. Bad coaching. I’ll say it once again….this years group of Dbs has more talent than the past 2 years,missing 3 things
    -film study
    -player leadership(that’s why I do not mind what Rigaud did.)



    Coach Wilcher would have stayed, read his resume(Seton Hill) and tell me we are better off with the DC and new coaches that took over. oooppps Somebody really screwed up. BTW all the Dbs loved this guy and were shocked and pissed he left.


    It is not the ability of the DBs. Individually they are all excellent athletes. Communication,positioning,reactions are all inconsistent. CBs lined up 10 yds off LOS. All of these are coaches responsibility. We have the worst statistical D in FCS. Yet,we have better athletes than we’ve ever had. Not going to ssy coaches aren’t working their asses off to fix the D. Will say its not working.
    We bitch a lot about O,when it has actually been pretty good given Nick’s limitations,injuries and inexperience. We see all the points left on the field and a sort of potluck offensive scheme because we need O to be better if we hope to beat anyone. Not fair I suppose on O players but that is reality.



    Rich You keep bringing up that we are leaving to many points on the field . What the hell are you talking about . We have an offense without any SPEED at any POSITION .No receivers or running backs with any breakaway speed .No imagination in play calling ,the same plays game after game .The other teams defense know what play we are going to run before we run the play .They have our plays scouted and are ready for any play we call .And WHAT are the QB’s LIMITATIONS according to the PRO SCOUT .That he dose not block ,or can’t catch or is he to slow a runner .How about some limitations of the OFFENSIVE ,I don’t hear you bitch when they miss a block and our RB is thrown for a loss ,or how about lets count all the passes our receivers drop or that bounce off there hands and turn into interceptions .It takes a team ,11 players on O and the D to work as one and not try to blame one player .


    Nick great runner,inconsistent accuracy and touch,not strongest arm hesitant on reads. Getting better ,Not there yet.
    WRs ample speed new players Kelsey and Pelletier are sub 4.4 guys. Too many drops . O has scored ,the point in case you missd it. is that O has not been able to score more to keep up with all the points D is giving up.
    We run very well and OL even with losing both starting Gs from last yr and the starting C and G this yr with other injuries has been very good.
    O basically vanilla because Nick not accurate throwing long or consistent on other passes. If you review games we stop ourselves with procedure penalties,dropped passes,etc more often than a D has. Hence the frustration.
    True O is not as good as it could be ,but way overboard to condemn it as terrible.Admit,I am perplexed at play call sequences during games. That I have no explanation for. May well be limiting O scheme to what Folmar thinks the players are capable. Doesn’t relieve the frustration of losing.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by RichH RichH.


    Rich I have been to every game that Lehigh has played this year . I don’t know if you have so I will not question your comments . As for the QB ACCURACY how about lets count all the dropped passes and all the receivers running the WRONG pattern or breaking off a pattern or just not running the pattern out .As for the strength of his arm were you at the BUCKNELL game when your so called SPEED demon Pelletier dropped a touchdown pass that was at least 40 yards downfield .To throw the ball you need time to read and see the field ,which our QB has none off .So complain all you like but it is not one players fault that they play poorly it’s a total team effort .It’s great to be MONDAY morning QB like you . But the facts are this team has no SPEED ,no size on D line and no size on LB’s . They get run over and pushed around by ALL the teams Lehigh has played .And if you think that is not true you better stop smoking that funny weed because it is fogging up your common sense .


    Should reread my post. Yup dropped passes. Skads of them. Also,a lot of overthrows and late passes by Nick. Dont get the lack of speed dig. They are not slow. Parris and Gaul adequate speed. Parris not a go to guy tho,too many drops but also some great catches. Gaul good possession man,he catches. Kelsey and Pelletier are fast. Losing Knott did hurt. Yup,Pelletier dropped a TD. It happens. As I noted we have stopped ourselves more than any D has. We are still scoring enuf to win games but for our D.
    Seems you like to rant and throw insults instead of actually reading what I wrote. Free to disagree here try to stay away from jabs at those with whom you disagree.
    Not going to bother repeating my posts on our D,except to note that DL has been the achilles heal of D all year.



    Rich I have to agree with holy. Kelsey and Pella ARE NOT sub 4.4 guys, where did you get that info! Kelsey is a legit 4.5 guy. Knott probably is the fastest. As far as RB, Sodeke IS SLOW. I stated earlier in yr that Yosha was injury prone and not reliable or impressive. The “transfer” from Miami angle is funny because he was a WALK-ON with NO offers coming out of HS, I wonder why? Leigh is the FASTEST rb by far with 4.4 speed. He is a north/south runner though with no “wiggle”. All that being said the O is not the problem. If you avg 25-30pts a game , you wouldnt think you’d be 1-6! To say the D line is problem is hilarious. The corners and safeties(minus lawson) are the problems. They get beat CONSTANTLY and its not even close. Lambert is a LB playing safety, has no business playing safety, he cant stay with anyone. Caslow, Rigaud are adequate. Would love to see Mccain get some PT at LB. #58 SHOULD START on the DL, along with Cavenas ( who clogged the middle on first td drive on the goal line, had 3 nice stops in a row). I do see all spots being open next yr, and LU will be better for it. I dont see the GU game as a gimme, if we lose that game the wheels have falling off and heads will roll.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  LehighGuy.

    :) old fart typo meant 4.5
    As to the rest, agree to disagree.
    Sodeke not a speed guy. Has always been a solid runner. He has done quite well this yr.Yosha is fast as is Leigh.
    Leaks very fast. As is Jones. Rigaud,Lawson are are goid athletes as is Lambert. None are slow as you would classify them. 2ndary problems are not athletic they are coordination and communication ie coaching.
    Agree on Cavenas at NG. I would like to see him Stubbs,Newton,Bourgeois and Palma rotate in DL. At LB,agree McCain will be very good at ILB ,also dont discount Coffman. Ripanti and Caslow both quick LBs who IMO should be outside.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by RichH RichH.


    We’re taking shots at Sodeke when he far and away has been the most consistent performer on offense this season? Without “slow” Sodeke we’d be winless.

    Of course, according to some we need to be running Chris Leigh every down instead. Nothing against Leigh, but any fool can see “slow” Sodeke needs to be out there every down he is able.

    This week we will have a better show of what to expect for the rest of the season, 150, and next season. I think people will end up feeling like things are headed in the right direction.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  lfnadmin.


    Not taking shots a sodeke. i think i stated in earlier thread i prefer him over yosha. he runs harder no doubt. but the kid has no vision or speed, any fool can see that. If the freshman rb from fordham went to lehigh, he would be playing behind sodeke! and leigh is better, bigger and faster than sodeke. but hey, hes a sr.



    Where does this insight on Leigh come from? We’ve seen a handful of carries so far?
    And I think you’re way off bashing Sodeke. One of few bright spots this year. Both he and Yosha look quick and capable of making people miss. I think their yards/carry support that, too. Neither is a bruiser that will break a bunch of tackles, but they’ve more than done their part so far, imo.



    Rich You seem to take other peoples comments as jabs about you ,I do not think I wrote anything derogatory about you personally . I am going to disagree with some of your statements and if you think that is a jab at you ,so be it .No body said the players are not trying ,Sodeke tries his best ,so do the receivers but they are not up to the players of other Lehigh teams . We have no Kurfus or Sherman from other years .How many of our players do you think will make ALL LEAGUE honors this year .Any on Defense ???? Any on Offense ???? You can write all you want about how fast you think our DB’s are but if they cannot cover other teams receivers it does no good .Like I wrote in an earlier comment ,Lehigh has given up scoring plays of over 50+ yards well over 10 times this year ,in fact it maybe closer to 15 .No teams win games giving up that many easy TD’s

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