Exceptional Recruit

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This topic contains 12 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by RichH RichH 7 years ago.

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    I fully realize that I am in a small minority who enjoys all Lehigh sports but I thought that this was a bit noteworthy.

    Mainland Regional HS is by far the best program in boys swimming in New Jersey.
    Last week, two of their relay teams (200 meter freestyle and 400 meter freestyle) broke the national record. Two of the members of the relay team, Joey Rogers and Glenn Lasco will be entering Lehigh next year.


    Lasco is considered the best NJ swimmer in the 2018 class. Rogers is #12. The interesting part is that Lasco’s younger brother Destin is the #1 swimmer in the country for the class of 2020. Destin now holds, individually or as part of a relay, seven national records.


    Future LU stars for sure!


    Very impressive. Men’s team can use that talent. Great to have them coming here.



    Does Lehigh give out athletic scholarship money for men’s swimming? I assume they do for women’s swimming.

    Was wondering on men’s side what sports are offering athletic scholarship money?

    Obviously, we are for FOOTBALL (65), BASKETBALL (13), WRESTLING (think NCAA limit roughly 10).

    Wondering what, if any, full scholarship equivalents do they fund in BASEBALL, LAX, SWIMMING, GOLF, TENNIS, CC, SOCCER, TRACK.

    Since, we have to match under Title 9, and big load of about 90 scholarships in three big men’s sports, assume women getting full rides in many sports.


    Football 60
    Wrestling 9.9
    Leary does have a few schollies not sure how many. Some time back I heard 4.
    Lax is fully funded on both M and W. Dont know breakdown of schollie vs need.
    Women’s have had the larger expansion of schollis aid due to Title IX. I imagine M swim does get a few but likely much less than W swim.
    Track is by far LU’s largest participation sport. Again my guess is schollies are weighted towards them.
    TMH may have better info as to # of schollies given in various sports.



    Thx Rich.

    Few thoughts,

    9.9 in wrestling is essentially the 10 weight classes, although I’m sure the full ride number isn’t 10. Maybe the top few guys get fulls.

    Baseball, at 4, that is probably 1 stud pitcher and 1 stud, middle field guy (C, CF, SS) on fulls. And the other 28 guys splitting 2 fulls. Must be a ton of guys getting $0 in athletic (walk-ons), although on academic.

    Fully funded numbers are:

    Baseball 11.7
    CC 12.6
    Golf 4.5
    Lax 12.6
    Soccer 9.9
    Swimming 9.9
    Tennis 4.5
    Track 12.6
    Wrestling 9.9
    Football 65
    Basketball 13

    I’m guessing LEHIGH as follows:

    60 Football
    12 Basketball
    10 Wrestling
    4 Baseball
    4 Soccer
    12 Lax
    0 Golf
    0 Tennis
    6 Track/CC

    That gets us to 108 fully funded scholarships on men’s side.

    To match for women, NCAA limits there are:

    Basketball 15
    CC 18
    Field Hockey 12
    Golf 6
    Lax 12
    Soccer 14
    Softball 12
    Swim/Dive 14
    Tennis 8
    Rowing 20
    Volleyball 12
    Track 18

    That’s 161 total.

    So, for women to get to 108, it would seem that most sports would be fully funded, and a lot of women on full athletic rides.



    Pretty sure Lehigh is still not more than 45% female. But if there are 108 male scholarships, 92 women’s would be 46%.

    Impressive recruits considering our swimming facilities are, leave us say less impressive than,eg, Bucknell, even F+M, and, yeah a lost of HSs. I had thought, that when Chris Marshall surrendered his coaching duties for Alumni, that his goal would be a natatorium.


    It is Rich. Got buried in the latest building push.



    I honestly don’t know what the breakdown is for the “Olympic sports” but I suspect that the allocation may be a bit fluid depending on the opportunity.



    RichH? Not sure what you mean. Was there a tentative Plan for a Natatorium that was “postponed” because of the improvements to the other facilities (field House, Softball, Baseball, Track, Lacrosse)? No objections to that, and I still think No 1 Lehigh athletic facility improvement goal should be lights for Goodman.


    It was deferred twice as far as Ive heard and then was to be folded into the current building plan. Havent seen it but it may well be. Its doing better than the new scoreboard for Goodman. :)



    The word I got is that there are no plans right now for a natatorium. I believe the University opted for a supplemental gym in the new dorm to handle the increase in the student body that is planned.


    Boy that poor swimming pool keeps getting.kicked down the road.

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