F Holden Grenier lists as committed to Lehigh

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball F Holden Grenier lists as committed to Lehigh

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  lfnadmin 16 years ago.

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    http://www.freep.com/article/20090216/H … ass+C+heap

    "As a new coach it’s taken time," said St. Francis’ Dave Ginsberg. "Charlevoix has an advantage because it’s the same coach, the same system, they’ve got five seniors starting and I’ve only got two. We’ve had to try to catch up and try to get something going with a sound foundation, and our foundation has been defense."

    The offense has been a work in progress, revolving around 6-foot-8 Holden Grenier (16 points, nine rebounds), a perimeter player who signed with Lehigh, and Corey Williams (14.5 points), a three-point threat.

    Ginsberg is helping Grenier to become more of an inside threat and team with 6-4 junior Max Bullough (an all-state football player who has committed to Michigan State) and 6-5 Ian Sheldon for as good a front line as you will find in Class C.

    "Holden’s stats were better last year, but I don’t know if he was playing as good last year," Ginsberg said. "I’ve asked he and Corey, the quarterback on the football team, to sacrifice, so we’ve gotten other people contributing.

    Looking good for Grenier… :mrgreen:

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