Fan Base

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  norcalfan 13 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #3975


    This is a topic that has been visited many times, but I will ask again. Why can’t LU get the kids out to the games? We have the best player in the league, but no one cares. The administration has not done anything that I am aware of since we acquired CJ. For those who have been with LU sports over the years, can you explain why there is no interest in basketball, girls or boys? This year and next are probably the strongest seasons for LU basketball. Looking at the numbers for the Liberty vs Eastern Kentucky brought back my frustrations. Even the blog only has LU65, StableBum?, LUHoops00 and of course the west coast pest, me, keeping the blogs alive. Students where are you? As much as I complain about Reed, he seems to be a nice guy, so why the silence on the blogs or low attendance at the games? So much for my rant.

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