Fire Coen

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Fire Coen

This topic contains 15 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by sundayamqb sundayamqb 11 years, 2 months ago.

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    Embarassing. The QB decision was bad, compounded by NOT CORRECTING IT promptly. D was, once again, under-prepared.
    As LU football coach, you have 2 priorities: win the PL, and beat the ‘pards. Major failure on both counts.
    Bad decisions can be forgiven. Not correcting them can’t be. New head coach, fix the D.



    Whoa, whoa, whoa.

    Yes, for the first time in a long time, Lehigh was outplayed AND outcoached in the Big Game.

    I think they got too cute with the mystery about the QB starter and the offensive approach.

    That being said, I think Fein called a brilliant game against the Hawks “D”. Sometimes you just have to tip your cap.

    Hint: This is one of those times.



    I’ll chalk this up to an over-reaction at your part. Lehigh has won the last 6 L-L match ups until today. The senior class won 39 games in 4 years. Think about that with an 11 game regular season schedule. We didn’t play well. The QB situation was mismanaged and the defense did not come to play but give credit to Lafayette too. They played a whale of a game. Their young QB really impressed me with his accuracy and poise. Their defense really attacked the ball.
    Tomorrow will be a new day.


    Fire Wilcher, demote Roberts, and spend 5 scholarships worth of money on hiring a top rate defensive coordinator. Lehigh will win more championships and FCS playoff games with 55 scholarships and a “REAL” defense run by a real defensive coordinator than they will with 60 scholarships and that cluster#$%^ of a defense they had all year run by the co-clowns.



    Joe Bottiglieri the inside linebackers coach was hired back by Coen before the season. It just so happens that he was the defensive corrdinator in 1998 and 1999. Those were two very good Lehigh teams. It may well be that the “new” defensive coordinator the team needs is already on the staff. Let’s see if Coen has the guts to reorganize his defensive coaching staff.



    TMH – I’ll accept that when we see the ‘pards win a game in the FCS playoffs. You puttin’ up? I’m ready to take your bet, even giving the 20+ points they’re gonna be getting…



    Relax a little. Yours is the same rhetoric that ran Pete Lembo out of town,even though his 44-14 record was the best in both Lehigh and Patriot League history. He also had an Eddie Robinson Award (best coach in FCS) in his pocket. He then took a terrible (3-8) team at Elon to national prominence (35-22) and as high as #9 ranking before moving on to Ball State which is 9-1 this year and 23-11 under his guidance. As frame of reference Ball State was 2-9 and 4-8 in the 2 seasons prior to Lembo.
    Personally whatever Lafayette does in the playoffs is irrelevant to me just as it was irrelevant to Coach K what Lehigh did against Xavier.



    Firing Coach Coen would be a huge over-reaction. This team went 8-3 and overcame a lot of adversity this season to do it. He’s a class act and has re-built the program after a few s-so years.
    The loss of Coach Kotulski as DC two years ago, obviously was a setback. I think a new coordinator may be necessary. One of these co-coordinators already lost the job once and probably should again.
    Would Bottiglieri take the job? If not, where do you look?


    Firing Coen is ludicrous. Yes we got our hats handed to us, but you don’t know why the decision was made to stay with McHale. Shaf, when he was in also misfired a few to wide open receivers. My understanding is that since we were behind, and more reliant on the pass and the no-huddle, McHale was better prepared to handle the uptempo required. If Shafnisky was not ready to handle a hurry-up “two minute” drill there is no sense throwing him into deep water if he has trouble swimming. We didn’t see them in practice. Coen’s record here is enviable. If you said preseason we’d go 8-3, most people would have taken it. Yes, I too am pissed we lost to the Leotards, but it was the first time in six years! Moreover, as bad as we played, and there was plenty to go around except for Divers, we were still in the game with 8 minutes to go! The horrendous ‘shot put’ by Parrish to a wide open Shafnisky was the final nail. All the bounces went LC’s way-two fumbles by them and they score!? We fumble and they score. One TD that was a horrendous ‘no-call’ on offensive pass interference. They all conflated into a cluster-fluck that hopefully only happens every so often. People have to remember that this is not a major BCS school where football matters to thousands of people. How many are on this Forum? We need to be realistic about annual expectations when we’re limited to who we can recruit. We’re in a shallow pool that is spread wide with major competition. I expect Shafnisky to be the starter next year and the offense will be efficient. The key to getting the PL trophy back will be defense and Coen has to make some tough decisions there. Lehigh’s run over the past 15 years has been fueled mostly by stellar defense that started when Higgins changed to the philosophy of putting your best athletes on defense. Small started the “Air Lehigh” but when you look at the records, he was barely over .500 in his tenure. Coen is a classy guy, runs a clean program, and has his priorities straight. Besides that he’s built a pretty good record.


    Good post, ngineer — could not have said it much better.

    I’ve never met Andy, but he seems to have the family, ethics and values Lehigh cherishes. In the postgame interview, he was really choked up. He’s brought this program back from the underperforming Lembo era …



    Really? Underperforming Lembo era? If I recall correctly, he had the best winning % not only in Lehigh history but in Patriot League history. He won the Eddie Robinson Award as the best coach in the FCS. He is now a finalist for the Bear Bryant award for best coach in the FBS. (the last I looked, Ball State was 9-2). I think you put too much emphasis on 1 game/yr. Just my humble opinion.



    People have to remember that this is not a major BCS school where football matters to thousands of people. How many are on this Forum?

    I agree. More Lehigh fans on the Forum please :)


    Well said ngineer.



    Fire TODDCUDD…………….Zero clue about the program


    I’m sure others have done this comparison, but Lembo (Mr. Happy) v. Andy Coen…..Lembo’s last four years v. Andy’s most recent four years, after each has established their regime:

    Lembo 8-3,9-3,8-3
    Coen: 11-2,10-1,8-3
    I don’t see Lembo OR Coen under performing. I hate losing to them as much as anyone, but let’s be fair. I do however agree will earlier posters who’ve called for a hard look at the assistants. They do most of the actual position coaching and deserve the credit and criticism for player development and performance. Andy gets scored on the assistants hiring. Let’s see where scholarships take us and the Coen era… At least until after Yankee Stadium.

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