Fomer wrestler Frankie Gayeski @ Liberty U.

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Wrestling Fomer wrestler Frankie Gayeski @ Liberty U.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by ngineer ngineer 14 years, 11 months ago.

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    Keymaster … ial/24534/

    Gayeski, a native of New Jersey, transferred to Liberty from Lehigh University, which has a top 10 wrestling program. At Lehigh, Gayeski said, he partied too much, his GPA suffered and he lost his grant money.

    “My coach at Lehigh always said, ‘You can do two things right. You got your social scene, you got your grades and you got wrestling,’” Gayeski said. “Mine were social scene and wrestling, I did alright in both of them, but my grades were awful.”

    Nice article about a former LU wrestler that transferred to a different situation and now seems to be doing well.


    Interesting article…I assume he was one of the ‘problems’ on the team a few years back that Strobel alludes to in his new book….A good read and insight into the past 15 years of Lehigh wrestling.

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