Football budget being capped lower?

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Football budget being capped lower?

This topic contains 14 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Miller 11 years ago.

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    It was not that long ago the only school that outfunded us was Gate and not by that much. No longer true.

    Fordham 5,606,350
    Gate 4,757,988
    Cross 4,440,068
    LU 4,189.735
    BU 3,095,126
    GU 1,710,518
    Fu easy to explain as they have are at full schollie . The rest not so much. I realize that different accting methods are employed by different schools but the apparent disparity here raises the issue to me whether LU is restricitng Joe’s football budget. Is it that Pards and Cross are playing catch up having been severely underfunded? I dont know. But for Pards to be outspending us by almost 500,000 last year worries me.Caveat ,everything worries me this time of yer :). Are we letting our run peter out and opening the door to Lafayette to beating us regularly as has happened too many times over the decades.



    I’m getting old but I don’t see LC on the list.


    LOL ,no I’m OTD,another senior moment

    LC 4.663,596



    Guess Rich is older?


    At least tonite for sure :)



    How does the football budget work? Is it a calendar year, or fiscal? Are these figures for last year? Did we spend less last year tan the year before? Do we know what the coming year’s budget is? Perhaps we will be back near the top in spending this coming season.

    Holy Cross is not getting their money’s worth. And I’m surprised Bucknell is so much lower than everyone else (except Georgetown, of course).

    Now back to worrying about filling out our coaching staff…


    I think this may be driven, in part, to the amount of contributions given to the Partnership. Giving has been down the past year or so. Maybe related somewhat to the economy, but I also heard that Joe had to ‘borrow’ money from the University in order for us to make this year’s budget. Lehigh could use a major ‘sugar daddy’ for football like LC has with Bourger.


    A mystery wrapped inside an enigma. It’s not so much that our spending has devreased by a lot so much as others are spending more. The borrowinf occurs every year with fin. Aid money. Dont know if he had to increase last yr. Partnership moneu doesn’t go to fin.aid. Goes to travel,recruiting expenses.
    Donations this.yr down,we do meed a $$ alum to step up.
    My fear, having gone thru the 60s and early 70s is that football will slide back. Down is very fast. Climbing back up can take many yrs



    Rich, I know you bleed Brown & White. However, if you are concerned about Lehigh Football and recruiting in particular, I’m not sure this string is helpful. All of our potential recruits have computers and smart phones.



    Sometimes its better to be silent than loud, especially when the loud version doesn’t make you smile


    :)Well subtley is not dead. OK, I’ll shut up.



    When it comes to these financial numbers, two things:

    1. The difference between $2 million and $4 million is large. The difference between $4.1 and $4.4 is not all that big – it can be explained, in part, by tuition differences, a one-time capital expense (like video equipment), etc.

    2. Fordham’s and Colgate’s could be bigger because both teams had guarantee games that could have added hundreds of thousands of dollars to the athletic budget… which then could have been spent on expenses that season.

    Let’s just say that I’m not all that concerned with the numbers.



    I do not mean to be personal, but your logic befuddles me.

    Rich should want folks like us to know this stuff so we can do something about it. The more public this issue becomes the more people will know so we can resolve it. This isn’t about recruiting one year; it’s about folks like us supporting LU football and getting our friends to do the same over the long haul as has been done before.

    We must do so to compete!

    The world is about transparency today — and those of us blessed with an LU education should be able to dig a little deeper into our pockets to support the institution we love (yet critique, for its own good and our own edification) on this board.

    So, recruits, if you’re reading here — those of us are on this board because we love Lehigh, and hope it continues to be perennial PL champs, if not serious FCS contenders soon.

    The Lehigh community knows how to win — even if some of us occasionally debate things civilly and vociferously — the American way — in public.



    I agree that the Lehigh Football community needs to know about things like this so that we can get involved and do something about it. I wasn’t suggesting that Rich not post this information. What I was suggesting, is that it might have been better to wait until this recruiting cycle is completed before making the post.



    Lehigh is sitting on a GOLD mine with the addition of scholarships. We have competed for years w/o and won playoff games. Many of our past all-PL team members would not even have been recruited now. Within 3 years the PL will start sending at least 2=3 teams the playoffs each year. We will be fine.

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