This topic contains 5 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by RichH RichH 15 years, 5 months ago.

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    Anybody out there? Did everybody jump off the Minsi Trail Bridge? Its only 0-2. We have a mediocre Princeton team coming up. Should be a 21 point victory. 65 you still alive?



    We will be back !!!!!



    Yeah Wizard, I’m alive…….barely, just like our team.

    I went to the game and have yet to fully recover from what I saw from Section SC, Row 12, Seat 15. Sitting among the Wildcat faithful with rain dripping of my wife’s umbrella and my buddy’s (Villanova Class of ’66) taunts didn’t add to my enjoyment either. Truly a "men vs. boys" event. Don’t like that analogy, then try: Prepared vs. Clueless…………..Imaginative vs. Predictable……………Potent vs. Feeble………….Aroused vs Tame…..and the list goes on. It was like watching the Harlem Globetrotters play the Washington Generals. The bye week comes at a good time for the team and for guys like me who follow it week in and week out. I guess, as others have already suggested, the team goal of playing on November 28th (seven days after dispatching of Lafayette) remains unaffected by the events of the past two weeks or for that matter what transpires on the filed of play against the Ivies. Thanks God, we have until Saturday, October 10th (Georgetown) to get our act together. Let’s view it as
    Preseason Part II – a Coen reprieve or pardon, if you will – and hold off final judgment of this team until sometime in November.


    My cousin and I were a couple of rows away from you. I am the codger wearing the white LU hat and moaning softlyinto my diet coke as my cousin Nova ’69 gloated.

    Upon reflection,not nearly as depressed as I was after game.Nova just that much better.



    Good to "meet" you, Rich H. Let’s get together at the upcoming Princeton game. I’ll be there with a fellow grad. Section WE / Row 14.


    ;) will be there replacing cousin with son’11 and wife, daughter ’11 off with her boyfriend someplace that my wife tells me I dont need to know

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