How High Is Uo

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh In The Pros How High Is Uo

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  TMH 11 years, 1 month ago.

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    Babe Knutsen had a very stellar career at Lehigh scoring
    1,526 points and grabbing 684 rebounds before signing with a European team.

    Mike Muscala had even a better career at Bucknell scoring 2,036 points, grabbing 1,093 boards winning 2 Patriot League MVP awards before being drafted and eventually ending up in Spain.
    My prediction has always been that Tim Kempton, barring injuries, will end up somewhere between the 2.
    At this very early stage, I decided to compare the 3 during their freshman campaigns.
    Knutsen. 27.6 min/g. 9.5 ppg. 5.6 rpg. .9 apg
    Muscala. 24.8 min/g. 9.9 ppg. 4.9 rpg. .8 apg
    Kempton. 26.3 min/g. 13.6 ppg. 6.7 rpg. .8 apg

    Muscala won the MVP Award during his sophomore year (1 of 2). His stats:

    27.8 min/g. 14.9 ppg 7.3 rpg

    I fully understand that there is a whole lot of basketball ahead of him and much can happen, but I think the comparison is intriguing at this stage and worth following over the next 4 years. Kempton is certainly trending up over the last few games.


    This is a very interesting comparison, thanks for starting the thread TMH. This will be great to watch over the next 4 years.

    To add to the great research above, Muscala shot 46.2% as a frosh, Gabe was 52.1% and Tim is currently at 52.1% as well, although with more attempts per game.

    One other interesting aspect to this is the way in which Kempton will have to improve. Muscala and Gabe were both pretty skinny, and I think more skilled than Tim. Tim has a bigger frame and can hold position much better at his young age. What Tim really needs to work on is explosiveness and quickness, whereas Gabe and Muscala mostly had to work on strength. One thing I love is that Tim has already shown a lot of improvement as far as determination and pursuing rebounds since the first game this year.



    I think he gets to 2,000 points barring injury. Should play about 125-130 games, so really only needs to average 15-16 ppg. He should be high teens on average by end of next season. All pretty positive on the TK front. He just needs consistent secondary scoring and rebounding.



    I apologize for any typos. That is the last time I post from a mobile with auto-correct. :-)

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