Jarel Elder

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Jarel Elder

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by RichH RichH 12 years, 7 months ago.

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    As noted coming for visit today with Nick. Lots and lots of video on him going all the way back to 8th grade. 5’7 160 not blinding speed but Lord can he shake and bake. Reminds me of Ron Jean.



    Most impressive statistic to me is a 4.0 GPA per one recruiting agency (not sure what year). I think he would be a great fit in Lehigh’s spread offense and it looks like he can catch the ball too. The running back he reminds me of the most however is Jermaine Pugh. Jean was a human bowling ball, weighing in at about 210, all muscle. Elder looks like a guy who likes to play along the edges, looking for a seam. You’re absolutely correct though, he can juke with the best of them.


    True Very like Pugh but I was thinking of Ron before he put on 35 lbs. The quick stop and change ofdirection.

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