Lafayette Pres Apoligizes For Fan Behavior?

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Lafayette Pres Apoligizes For Fan Behavior?

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  lfnadmin 14 years, 11 months ago.

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    Keymaster … etbal.html … xml&coll=3

    In a campus-wide e-mail, Weiss chastised some fans at the March 12 Lafayette-Lehigh Patriot League championship game at Stabler Arena for "crude taunts, vulgar chants and general incivility."

    This really took me by surprise. I’m on the record as saying that I admired them for their really, really loud behavior at the game. I was not thrilled with the loud swears – which required me at times to use all my powers of distraction to keep my son from hearing them – but as for the emotion level, I thought it was great and made for a fantastic experience.

    So this chastising from Pres. Weiss took me by surprise. Now, I’m not for getting physical with other fans, swearing in front of kids, etc. But the fans I encountered (and I went by *a lot* of them heading for the exits after the game) weren’t bad at all – disappointed they lost, of course, but not attacking physically or verbally anyone with a brown shirt.

    I guess like anything, it’s a few dopes that ruin it for everyone else. But still, I was surprised. Was it involving just the R-rated chants aired cross the country on ESPN2? Or something else?

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