Last Chance U

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Last Chance U

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by sundayamqb sundayamqb 8 years, 5 months ago.

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    Anyone see Last Chance U on Netflix? It’s about a JUCO school in the South and it’s football program. Their are six episodes i’ve seen three. It’s an eye opener to how low the standards are for academics in the Big schools. Sure some of these kids are in JUCO due to their grades in the first place. However, I can’t see many of them ever making it in school. Maybe thats why these kids get a “General Studies Degree” or are “Undecided”.



    going to watch. it sounds interesting…if a camel could throw a football better than anyone else most big 5 conferences would have no hesitations in signing the camel despite its academic ability. college football coaches are human traffickers that are paid a lot of money. thats why i have migrated to fcs level football. fcs has kids who love the game and are going places in life. 6 notre dame kids in trouble. fla state 5 star qb in trouble. saban has more kids in trouble than anywhere but campus police lose jobs if it gets out. urb (rightfully named) meyer has a track record of everywhere he goes kids are arrested for drugs and assaults. its ridiculous!!!until sponsors are bashed it will never change. the avg fan has no clue of how awful the inner workings are of college football big 5.


    Thankfully they use subtitles so you can comprehend what is being said by the players. The Head Coach physically assaults his players and they are the JUCO National Champs.


    GAME ON: I appreciate/respect your comments, but not all FCS kids are going places. Thank goodness at Patriot League schools the vast majority will be successful. All kids are human; we all make mistakes, some bigger than others.

    Yes, BCS kids in many programs get in lots of trouble. We hear about them the most because the media covers BCS the most. Maybe FCS has fewer incidents; I don’t know. I’ve got to guess that FCS schools with better academic profiles have fewer incidents than schools where they will accept almost anyone.

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