For those of you who had the opportunity to go to the lacrosse match tonight but talked themselves out of it, you missed a real treat.
To begin with, the announced crowd was 2,096, a Ulrich record. It was essentially SRO. I even spotted Dr. Gast and her husband standing along the fence. But that didn’t include the 200-300 stand ing along the outer fence. Tonight they charged a $5 admission. The crowd was into it and the game lived up to it’s billing. The score was within 1 almost the entire game with Lehigh prevailing in the final 13 seconds. Lehigh was the much more physical team but Bucknell moves the ball around better than any team I’ve seen in years. Eisenreich is the real deal. Now we need Bucknell to defeat Colgate next week to ensure Lehigh gets the home field for the Patriot League playoffs. If that happens, Ulrich should really be rocking and rolling.
BTW, from this old guy’s perspective, the scenery was absolutely extraordinary.